We do not have a uniform but clothing needs to be suitable for artistic and physical activities.
The clothing guidelines are designed for comfort, health and protection as well as enabling a degree of self-expression.
Loose, casual clothing, appropriate for an active day of work and play is ideal. Neat, tidy, non-tattered clothing is expected.
All clothing should be labelled with your child’s name especially for younger children as they often find it difficult to distinguish their own clothing.
Dresses, skirts and long blouse, light weight slacks, loose-fitting track pants, loose-fitting knee-length shorts.
Shorts can be brought in to change into for tree-climbing and sporting activities.
Tights, only when worn under a dress or skirt.
Socks and shoes.
Plain coloured shirts or t-shirts, which are available at the uniform shop in Murwillumbah.
Swimmers, towel, broad-brimmed hats (NOT CAPS) and rash shirts are essential in spring and summer. After winter the children will not be allowed in the sun without a broad-brimmed hat.
The following items are NOT ACCEPTABLE:
Thin-strapped dresses and tops, elasticene stretch tops, mini-skirts, dresses or mini shorts.
Singlet tops, bare-back and bare-midriff attire and tight clothing in general are not appropriate.
Black clothes, board shorts are not appropriate.
Clothing with brand names, written messages (regardless of their virtue), drawings and graphic images are not appropriate for a school situation.
Bikinis are not acceptable at swimming.
High heals are not acceptable
Hair and Grooming
Please keep hair and nails neat, tidy and their natural colour. Any children with dyed hair will not be admitted to school until the natural colour is restored.
No aerosol cans (hair spray or deodorant etc.) are to be brought to school.
Make-up and nail polish are not to be worn to school.
Children are to wear hair that is not in their eyes, nor are they to have shaved hair.
Jewellery is not acceptable; often it is not safe in a physically active young group. Rings in ears and elsewhere are not appropriate and are potentially unsafe.
Clear flat single studs can be worn if necessary to prevent closure. These can be purchased from the cosmetic shop or some chemists.
The children will often go on walks, so footwear needs to be sturdy, waterproof and comfortable, offering protection on uneven terrain. Plastic shoes, thongs, backless shoes, platform soles and high heels (as a guide, keep heels less than 2.5cm high) are not acceptable. The children are expected to wear shoes when leaving school at the end of the day.
No fake or real tattoos or writing on skin.